12 Natural Beauty Brands You Need To Know

With all of the scary statistics going around lately about harmful toxins in our beauty products, it's only natural to be wary of chemical-laden makeup and skin care. There's a lot of conflicting info out there on just how dangerous some of these products really are, but we're of the mentality of better safe than sorry, which is why we've been stocking up on more natural and organic options.
Now we know what you're thinking: Those crunchy-granola beauty balms are all well and good, but if they don't work as well as your high-tech potions, what's the point? Clear your mind of any pre-conceived notions — most of the high-end natural brands on the market now have evolved from the days of patchouli oil and hemp seed, incorporating new natural actives and luxurious formulas that provide results, without sacrificing your health.
While you might already be familiar with the usual eco-friendly suspects, we wanted you to get acquainted with a few of the under-the-radar green brands. From some seriously stunning makeup lines, to a hairspray so pure you can drink it (for reals!), here are the eco-friendly brands that should be high on your must-try list.

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