Winter break was magical back when our time was governed by school bells. Holiday movies replaced homework. Red-and-green-wrapped Hershey's Kisses seemed to pop up everywhere. And during our middle school years, we exchanged shiny packages with our BFFs usually containing only the best pre-teen pampering products.
Glittery lotion, shimmery lip gloss, and body spray that smelled like fruit with just a hint of antiseptic were opened with equal excitement. This was a time when the importance of the packaging most likely outweighed that of the quality of the actual cosmetics. A time when a Ring-Pop-shaped lip gloss ring was the best gift of the season. So now, we're going to blast some "8 Days of Christmas" and take a walk down bubblegum-scented memory lane. If this inspires you to search for some Body Fantasies on eBay, we won't judge.