How To Up Your Beauty Game in 2014

Between all the mulled wine and mistletoe madness, you’ve probably been thinking over your New Year’s resolutions. Yes, every January, you plan to up your fitness regimen (or, perhaps, begin a fitness regimen), drink less, curse infrequently, and perhaps even be nicer to your mother. It’s all very Bridget Jones. And, lo and behold, by February 1, those resolutions are all but a fleeting memory. We’ve had it with unrealistic resolutions, the kind that inspire our January to March selves to be a veritable genetic mutation of our April to December ones.
But, that said, the biggest room of all is one for improvement, right? To make 2014 the year of your best skin, hair, and makeup, we’ve compiled a list of beauty-inspired resolutions. We’re here to help you break free from a beauty rut, quit your bad grooming habits, and try some new things.
From assassinating dead skin cells (we know they’re already dead so you can’t John Wilkes Booth it, but you can still eradicate them from your epidermis) and incorporating gel into your follicular repertoire without channeling your inner Jessie Spano, to dropping pounds (at least virtually) by getting your contour A-game up to par: Here are your beauty resolutions for 2014. Cheers to your prettiest year yet.

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