Jaw-Dropping Makeup Looks Guaranteed To Inspire

Photographed by Jamie Nelson.
You know that feeling you get wandering through an art museum? Or a park, or a mall, or your neighborhood (hey, beauty is in the eye of the beholder). Whatever the source, you've come upon some form of stimulating masterpiece that inspired your own creative genius.
As beauty editors, we get that feeling watching great makeup artists. It is truly remarkable to see how they play up the transformative effects of makeup on a variety of faces. So we teamed up with artist Michael Anthony to give you four gorgeous, completely original looks that'll have you ooh-ing, ahh-ing, and imagining how you can bring a piece of that beauty into your own life. And, just as fine artists work in multiple mediums, Anthony used everything from craft-store stickers to multitasking beauty buys, like Maybelline’s Lip Studio Color Blur pencils, to achieve what you're about to see. We also seized this opportunity to glean whatever applicable advice we could while watching him work, bringing you some of his expert tips and tricks. Know that we’re not expecting you to show up to the office Monday morning in a full, sticker-adorned face (though we’d be the first to compliment you if you did) — these looks are meant to entertain, inspire, and remind you how fun it is to get creative with makeup.
Don't worry, we’ll keep featuring the latest in contouring tutorials and step-by-step cat-eyes. But for now, lose yourself in some art.


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