The Ultimate Guide To Tricky Beauty Tools

One of the more fun things we love to do is go digging through our friends' beauty kits, discuss which products they love — and dish on the ones they don't. Inevitably, the conversation always turns to talk of the tools that sit gathering dust. Because that fancy brow stencil or hair-removal device can cause a bit of panic in the hearts of even the most stalwart preeners. Even after reading the instructions, some may be left wondering, "How in the world do you work these things?" which causes most to give up and never touch them again.
But, we decided not to die wondering. We called on some of our favorite beauty-industry experts and asked them about the trickiest tools, as well as some basic ones that we think we could just be, well, better at using. They came back with a ton of suggestions, so here we are, passing them on to you.
From blending sponges to gel eyeliner, spa gloves to the cool shot button on your blowdryer, here are the tips to master them, once and for all. The power to get glam is now in your hands. Go for it!

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