This Is The Perfect App For Every Astrological Sign

Here it comes, that time of year when your social media feeds are bound to be filled with MRMs (Mercury Retrograde Meltdowns). According to our in-house astrologers, Mercury is in the 'grade until the 22nd. That means we could be experiencing some communication breakdowns, and everyone will have to keep an eye on their bank accounts, making sure to “budget, plan, and think before we spend.” Ladies and gentlemen…cue that MRM.
If you’re like me, Mercury retrograde is enough to make you lock yourself in a closet with a tub of Nutella and a spoon, and just wait for the month to end. WHAT ARE WE GONNA DO?!
Before you click “post” on that nuclear Facebook rant, take a minute to breathe…and read our Tech Horoscope. That’s right, we’ve done a sign-by-sign breakdown of the apps to get you through retrograde. Whether you're a dedicated horoscope-reader, a dabbler in the Zodiac, or you avoid astrological nonsense like the plague, it never hurts to download a new app — especially if it's going to make your month a little easier.
So, inquisitive Gemini, have we piqued your curiosity? We've got an app picked especially for you — and the other 11 zodiac signs, too.


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