31 Products That Are Really, Really, Ridiculously Good-Looking

Like any self-discerning beauty nerd, I know to never judge a moisturizer by its jar, a mascara by its tube, or a perfume by its tacky bottle. Sometimes the best products come in really ugly/tacky/boring/downright bonkers packaging. And sometimes those superstar products come in the packaging equivalent of Charlize Theron — that is, elegant, ethereal, and take-your-breath-away gorgeous.
Sure, most of them may cost an arm and a leg, but if you're willing to put down the dough, you'll have a beauty goodie that doesn't just perk up your hair/skin/nails/makeup — it will perk up your very soul every time you gaze at it. Okay, maybe that went a little far. You get my drift.
Ahead, I've combed the internet to find the prettiest, coolest, chicest, most eye-catching (in a classy way, not in a "Why is there a giant gorilla with Band-Aid nipples on this cleanser bottle?" way) primpers on the planet. Some of them you'll conceivably be able to add to your beauty arsenal, if you forego your daily Chipotle chips-and-guac habit. The others on this list, well, let's just say those are only realities for those who are stupid-rich. But that doesn't mean they're not pretty to look at.
Click through to see all the beauty porn the internet has to offer — just be sure to refresh your browser when your boss goes by so you don't wind up in HR's office. Things are about to get all kinds of orgasmic up in here. You've been warned.

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