10 Accessory Trends Worth The Waitlists

We've heard of people who erect closets just to house their shoes, women who throw down a month's pay on a single bag, and some who spend more time on their ear game than the whole rest of an outfit. But, rarely do we see this level of devotion for, say, tops or skirts. Here's why: There's some magic voodoo in accessories that we can't quite pinpoint, that makes them incredibly easy to fall in a deep, dark, rabbit-hole kind of love with. As with any passionate relationship, you know that when your add-on is good, it's really good, and when it's bad — it's still sort of good.
If you're nodding that, yes, you've experienced this kind of love, you probably should not scroll through these 10 accessory trends from the spring '15 shows. As you know, they won't be available to purchase for quite some time now. So, to look might bring on swooning and snubbing in equal measure. (Hey, you won't let your heart run wild for any old bag.) It might even throw you into an hour or two of frantic Googling to get onto a waiting list that probably doesn't exist yet. But, the heart palpitations are worth it, you guys. The new object of your affections is just ahead.

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