We tend to look at shopping for a handbag a bit differently than we do shopping for other items. Our closet can be stocked with impulse denim buys, shelves of statement shoes, and rows of assorted dresses, but purchasing the right carryall is a little more revered. Maybe it's that they tend to get more mileage than your average item, but unless you're Kris Jenner and have a closet full of Birkin bags to rotate out weekly, most of us tend to stick to one to two bags for months at a time. (And if you are a frequent purse changer, I'd like to know how you magically avoid always leaving your wallet or keys in the wrong one).
Rather than just shoving a bunch of bags in your face that we deem the best, we're creating a one-stop source with guides to every bag type you could ever need. Dying for a baby clutch? It's in here. Looking for a tote bag that will fit your two dogs, a weekend's worth of clothes, and half of your medicine cabinet? You may need to lower your expectations, but we're sure we have a bag that covers at least two of those. But regardless of what's on your agenda, the list ahead should help ease the process of making what's (arguably) your most important purchase.