Celebrity-Inspired Hobbies To Take Up In 2020

PHoto: Roy Rochlin/WireImage.
If you're someone who suffers from Millennial burnout, you may think there's no way you'll ever have the time or energy to take up a new hobby, but hear us out. Perhaps doing an activity solely for its own sake and nothing more is the exact salve you need. Willing to try this stress-relief tactic in 2020? Well, then, why not look to the people who take leisure especially seriously, celebrities.
From run-of-the-mill pastimes like cooking and reading to much more random hobbies like ping pong and collecting typewriters, celebrities know how to take full advantage of their free time. Of course, they also have the money and resources to pursue their non-professional passions with fervor. Still, you don't have to build your own art studio or have spare change to spend on antiques to draw inspirations from these celebs and find a fulfilling and relaxing hobby that will give your life even more meaning this year.

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