It's no exaggeration to say that kale has reigned supreme in the vegetable kingdom for the past few years. With a fan base that encompasses everyone from Hollywood stars to chain restaurants, it's one of the most buzzed-about foods of our time. And, a rumored shortage nearly caused a mass frenzy. You'd be hard-pressed to find people who haven't devoured a kale dish or two.
The truth is, the chameleon-like superfood has many culinary uses. It has taste and texture that make it an ideal ingredient for so many dishes — it can be tossed in a salad, blended in a smoothie, or boiled in a soup. Yes, these crunchy greens are definitely here to stay. In celebration of National Kale Day, we looked back into our archives and found seven recipe standouts that make for a healthy, green-leaf dinner tonight or breakfast tomorrow morning. You'll want to keep this list handy at your next grocery store visit.