13 Dudes Whose Hairstyles We Want

It's typically the ladies of the red carpet whose hairstyles set our hearts a-flutter. The updos. The curls. The off-kilter colors. But, every once in a while, a tuxedo-clad man will stroll onto the carpet and his locks will cause a serious stir. Just ask Jared Leto, whose Oscar win this year was nearly eclipsed by his awards-season hombré. That hue sent ladies all over the country scurrying to their colorists.
But, the conversation on fervor-inducing dude hair doesn't end with ol' Leto. In fact, there are plenty of men in Hollywood who have hairstyles we secretly pine for. Ahead, we've rounded up our favorite mane men for your viewing pleasure. Consider this proof that hair-spiration can be found everywhere.

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