10 New Festive Movies (For When You Can’t Watch Home Alone Again)

Photo Courtesy of Amazon Studios.
There is plenty that can go awry at Christmas: someone burning the roasties, charades getting too heated, your siblings stealing from your selection box. Luckily, there is always one thing you can rely on to soothe the chaos and that is the comfort of a cheesy festive flick. Nothing can top the family classics of the '90s or the swoon-worthy romcoms of the early '00s, of course, but sometimes we need a little movie palate cleanser between our tried and true favorites.
With that in mind, we’ve compiled a selection of the new festive films on our screens this season. Whether you’re searching for something to keep Granny entertained while you set up her new phone or a naughty comedy to enjoy with your siblings once your parents have gone to bed, we’ve found the best new flicks to enjoy while you digest that second helping of Christmas pie. 
From falling in love with a dashing prince to tequila-fueled tomfoolery, here are the best new cheesy films to watch this Christmas.

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