Best Of The Week: Our Top 10 Stories — Jun 03 2011

1. Rad Or Bad: Go Claws Out With Super-Long Nails—Not recommended for contact-lens wearers. Yowch.
2. Nasty Gal's Sophia Amoruso's Chic SoCal Pad—This vintage curator ought to—and does!—have an enviable stash of golden oldies.
3. Five Quirky Combos That Clash With Panache—Stripes and paisley...metallics and sweaters...yes we can!
4. 3 Cute Summer Hairstyles To Beat The Heat—Let's try and quell the sweat-fest with these cool-feeling summer hairstyles.
5. The Tastiest Late-Night Bites For Beating A Hangover—Goodbye Nutella and Goldfish-cracker salads... Hello to classy drunk eating!
6. Rough Hue: Fall 2011 Color Trends—This year is all about color, which means more eye-candy for you!
7. 25 Summer Sundresses To Soak In The Rays—There's something about a girl in a sundress that is just plain irresistible.
8. 5 Time Wasters To Wrap Up Your Weekend—In case you have some extra time to whittle away this weekend...
9. 29 Super-Fun Things To Do This Summer—Bored in the summertime? Gasp! Remedy that with these fun summertime activities.
10. 1 Girl, 4 Looks: Summer's Hottest Trends From Parlor Showroom's Owner—We love to see how one girl rocks a whole slew of looks—this one's a doozy!

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