5 Productivity Apps You Definitely Want To Try

Photographed by Franey Miller.
These days, it's increasingly challenging to stay focused. With near-constant notifications on our phones and countless tabs and windows crowding our computer screens, staying on task can sometimes feel impossible.
Though technology is often to blame for our fragmented attention spans, it can also be a life-saver when it comes to productivity. Today there are countless productivity apps available that take all of the guesswork out of staying on task. From note-archiving software to project-management apps to messaging systems, there is no shortage of tools that can help take you from scatterbrained to on the ball.
Life can get pretty stressful, and while it's completely possible to stay organized and on track with little more than some Post-its or a good old-fashioned to-do list, sometimes turning to technology can give you just that much more of an edge.
Whether you're struggling with time management (in other words, figuring out how to stay off Instagram or Twitter when you're supposed to be working), keeping track of all of your notes (so they're easily accessible and not scattered all over the place), or better communication with a team or partner, work-productivity apps have got you covered.
We put together a list of five great time-saving and sanity-keeping apps that can take you to the next level with your work. Whether you're a student pushing toward the end of the semester, are working at a startup and trying to add more hours to the day, or are starting a new creative project and need to get organized, there's an app for you.
If you're ready to get on your 'A' game, keep reading to find out what these apps offer, how much they cost, and how to get started.

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