Save These 5 Outfits For A Rainy Day

Whether your Alexa predicted it or not, it’s raining. Which makes choosing what to wear in the morning even more difficult. All of the potential outfits you were brainstorming the night before are in the mental trashcan. While the weather may be uninspiring, your rainy day outfit doesn’t have to be. Equip yourself with rain boots to avoid soggy socks and don a waterproof bucket hat to preserve your hair. Your full outfit, however, doesn’t have to be rainproof - just your outerwear and accessories. Once you’re inside and you’ve shed your rainy day gear, you’ll forget about the torrential downpour altogether.
And while rainy days can come sporadically and unexpectedly, finding rain boots and coats that you’ll be excited to wear when the showers come is worth the investment. You’ll have us (and your trusty rain coat) to thank for staying dry.
Click through for five outfits to save for a rainy day.