29 Restaurants Around The World That You Must Try Before You Die

Photographed by Alice Gao.
I have a confession: My main food gal Zoe Bain and I are quite competitive. So when we saw the R29 Fashion Team’s truly impressive 29 Big (Fashion) Ideas story, we got jealous. We asked ourselves, “What can Team Food do that would be equally informative, disruptive, and useful?” After a lot of talking and brainstorming (over food and drinks, obviously), we realized that neither of us ever use restaurant guides when we travel (the places suggested often felt too stuffy). Nor do we consider websites like Yelp to be 100% reliable. Instead, we both rely on word-of-mouth recommendations from friends we trust. And indeed, these recommendations usually turn out to be spot-on.
So, I cracked my knuckles and got to work: Over several months, I asked, polled, and badgered tastemakers from around the world to share their favorite places to eat — from Manhattan to Manila. Then, I researched, cross-referenced, and distilled their suggestions down to the 29 absolutely cannot-be-missed culinary experiences ahead. Whether you’re traveling on a shoestring or have decided to eat your way through your savings, here are 29 restaurants (and travel destinations) that are guaranteed to not disappoint.
Let’s dig in.

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