5 Things People With Great Teeth Always Do

Photographed by Alexandra Gasillet.
Speaking from personal experience, nothing humbles you more than getting your picture taken professionally. You think that you're serving a Texas-sized, Beyoncé grin as you pose for the camera (now click, click). But once you get those pics back, well, let's just say you finally understand why your dentist is so hard on you about regular flossing.
Let's be real here: There are plenty of people with gleaming white teeth who have likely gotten them bleached professionally. And for the extra #blessed set, they have genetics on their side. Then, there's the rest of us. "Most have to work to achieve pearly whites," Dr. Mazen Natour, DMD, Prosthodontist, says. "And some are more susceptible to gum disease and cavities [than others]."
Whether you're bleaching or born with it, though, you still have to take special care of your set. Ahead, get clued in on some of the habits that people with great teeth always do. Say cheese...

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