12 Reasons To Stop Fearing Wallpaper

If painting a wall could be compared to casual dating (just testing the waters), then wallpaper is like putting a ring on it. It's one of the boldest decor moves you can make. Putting up paper is a big commitment, a huge statement, and a labor-intensive feat, so it stands to reason that you need to be fairly obsessed with a print to even think about it. But, the results are worth it. Even the subtlest graphic in a home tells a story about who lives there: They've got guts.
In the last decade, the paper industry has certainly boomed. There are more iconic, gorgeous options than ever, just ready to take the place of flat paint. After shooting the popping interiors at Flavor Paper, we couldn't help but peruse all the great prints now available online. Some of our picks are ahead, including a watercolor mural that we thought for sure was a painting (Bonus: It's a cinch to apply!), and a quirky sumo-wrestling print that's a guaranteed conversation-starter. If cost concerns are holding you back from one-upping your walls, just consider that you won't have to plunk down any more change for artwork.

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