Without taking the TMI route, many of us can probably relate to some kind of a personal grooming style. We're talking the brazilian, the landing strip, the au naturel — your preference, ladies. Or, is it? With waxing bikini season practically in full swing, a recent
story has raised a question that might make you hesitate to book your next salon appointment.
Questions about women's hair removal are hardly breaking news, but when we're talking about such an intimate part of the female body, we think there's a discussion to be had about why some women consistently shave, religiously laser, or regularly endure painful waxing. Who exactly are we defuzzing for?
Like slipping into sheer lingerie just to lounge about the apartment, some ladies may agree that their grooming routines simply make them feel sexy, with or without someone else's positive reinforcement. But are you buying that? Is it possible that women are driven to trim, shave, and forcefully remove just to appease their sexual partners (and if so, is that a bad thing?)?
We want to know from you: honestly (really, no judgement), when it comes to below-the-belt hair maintenance, do you groom for yourself or for your partner? (Allure)
Photo: Courtesy of Eres