First, it was Big Bird. Now, it's the binder heard 'round the world. If you didn't catch Tuesday night's presidential debate, you may be confused as to what the office supply/fan page/hashtag/running joke "binders full of women" has to do with our next potential commander-in-chief.
Well, in what is considered one of the biggest gaffes of the second throwdown debate, Mitt Romney answered a question regarding women's pay inequality in the workplace with an anecdote about how exactly he, as former Massachusetts governor, filled his then-cabinet with more women: "I went to a number of women's groups and said: ‘Can you help us find folks,’ and they brought us whole binders full of women.”
Binders full of women? Yes, viral parodies and social-media satire instantly spades. Among them, @Romney's_Binder (with almost 15,000 followers) and the Binders Full Of Women Facebook page (with 276,000 likes), but our personal favorite has to be the Binders Full Of Women Tumblr page.
Using every advertising and pop-culture reference in the, well, book — from "Oppa Binder Style" to "If you liked it then you shoulda put three rings on it" — this page will have you amused for minutes (which is days, in internet time)...or until the next debate come Monday.
In all seriousness, Romney has a lot of ground to make up for with women voters, considering how on point President Obama's answer was (one of his first acts as president was signing the Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act into legislation). And, whether you take the binders comment at face value or interpret it as a more demeaning, binding-of-women-empowerment type of a message, at least he was using binders and not pocket folders.

Photo: Via Binders Full Of Women Tumblr