With this comprehensive rundown of Miami's top food trucks, you'll be dining on-the-go in no time. (Eater)
Purveyor of one of our favorite jams Blood Orange plays Miami today, and Crossfade has an in-depth interview. We'll be listening to "Champagne Coast" on repeat, in the meantime. (Miami New Times)
Whoa boy. After Evelyn Lozada's major outburst on Basketball Wives, fans are calling for a major boycot...just as a movie is greenlit. (Huffington Post)
You learn something new every day, and today we learned that every Friday hosts Miami Bike Polo, which is exactly what it sounds like. (Transit Miami)
And for your breaking morning fluffy news, two tiny kittens were rescued from being stuck in between two walls in Broward. Little fuzz balls, so glad they're safe! (Vimeo)

Photo: Via bloodorangeforever.tumblr.com