How to Win The Battle Against Unwanted Body Hair

Sometimes, being a woman really sucks. In addition to mind-numbing cramps and the pressure to look and feel perpetually pretty, we have to grapple with our bodies changing in some wild and random ways as we age. If the Hormone Fairy hasn't come to visit you yet, let us be the first to warn you that unwanted facial and body hair may be en route, and it's a wild, wild ride.
We're not talking the usual pubic-brows-top-of-hair situation that we all know, love and manage on a daily basis. Oh no, we're talking about excessive hair growth of the jawline, random nipple, chest, neck, and chinny-chin-chin variety. As a matter of fact, excessive and unwelcome hair can pop up ANYWHERE. What the hell causes all that drama and, most importantly, how do you get rid of it ASAP? Plucking, shaving, waxing, lasers — oh my!
We called on Dr. Audrey Kunin, board-certified dermatologist and president of Dermadoctor and Dr. Meghan O’Brien, consulting dermatologist for Physicians Formula, to give up the goods on handling unwanted body hair. From how it happens to how you can put a stop to it, here's how to win the battle against the not-so-sexy strands.

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