Bruce Weber’s BFFs Came Out For One Unforgettable Bash

Art Basel has been a bit like Fashion Week—too much to do, too much to see; pretty much FOMO central. But one happ we just couldn't pass up was Bruce Weber's bash last night, co-hosted by André Balazs (we've officially given him the busiest host of the week award) to big ups the 10th anniversary of the photog's All-American Book Series. Quite the impressive collection of Weber's bestest friends came out to boogie Bruce-style—we're talking Nan Bush, Chiara Clemente, Calvin Klein, Lorenzo Martone, Peter Som, and Ryan McGuinness among them. Oh, and, Bruce being Bruce, there were a bazillion hotties that we can't quite forget. Held bayside at the Standard Spa, partygoers got to peep past imageries of Weber's work, and, in a shock to alcohol-soaked systems, a speed boat came through and soaked the crowd and the impromptu marching band. Wet and wild!

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