This Caribbean Destination Should Be At The Top Of Your Future-Travel Bucket List
Last Updated December 15, 2020, 6:57 PM
While travel may still seem like a far-off dream for many as the pandemic continues, we're using this time to plan some much-needed future vacations. On the top of our list: the U.S. Virgin Islands: the sandy, multicultural Caribbean destination that U.S. citizens don’t even need a passport to visit.
Currently, travelers to the U.S. Virgin Islands are required to use a screening portal upon entry, in addition to submitting a COVID-19 test result (otherwise a 14-day self-quarantine will be necessary). Whether you're planning to travel safely now or just want to map out plans for later, we've pinpointed four of the best reasons to explore the U.S. Virgin Islands, whenever you feel safe to do so.
Curated for the traveler who wants to visit all three major islands (that's St. Croix, St. John, and St. Thomas) in just one week, this list really only has one requirement: Familiarize yourself with the ferry and island carrier schedules so that you can island hop to your heart's content.