12 Bright White Sneakers For Every Budget

Photo: Courtesy of Adidas.
Perhaps the only thing that literally anyone can pull off is the white sneaker. And luckily, by our prediction, it will never go out of style. But the transformation white sneakers have undergone is worth noting. When they first came onto the scene as far back as the Roaring '20s, the goal might have been to scuff them up as quickly as possible. Decades later, they slipped into the background as high-heel culture came to the forefront. And nowadays, the objective is to keep your sneakers whiter than white. So crisp, in fact, that your bag might even need a pocket reserved for a Tide To Go pen. Ya know, just in case someone steps on your toes.
For something so delicate, an unstainable white sneaker these days can burn a $700 hole in your wallet. So, to pull off the ubiquitous trend without forcing yourself to eat nuts and berries for a week, click through the selection ahead to find our favorites that won't break the bank. Some you may recognize, and some you may not — but either way, welcome to the Sneaker Club.

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