15 Things We're Throwing Away With The End Of 2017

It goes without saying that 2017 has been a shit year — one we're very much looking forward to moving past (and not looking back). With hopes for a great 2018, we're leaving as much baggage behind — and that includes letting go some of the clothing and trends that got us through this tumultuous year. Because as weird of a time it was for politics and the state of our country, it was equally as head-scratching, in some cases, for the realm of fashion.
While some pieces, especially those from the latter half of this year, are sure to stick around well into new year, there are some items we're one-hundred percent ready to move past. You know, the ones that have you looking back and asking "Why did I wear that?" To help you better identify those, we've crafted a handy "toss" list for that impending closet clean out — trust us, you won't miss these when they're gone.