Colored Mascara Is Instagram's Latest Beauty Craze — & It's So Easy To Pull Off

Photographed by Jens Ingvarsson.
Colored mascara has fallen in and out of vogue over the past decades. It hit the mass market scene first in the '60s, when Revlon released hues like mauve and dark green to eager consumers. Twenty years later, in the late '80s and early '90s, colored mascara started trending yet again, but this time the hues complimented the more-is-more looks of the era, like grungy smoky eyes and dramatic washes of blue eyeshadow.
Colored mascara has made yet another resurgence this year, but instead of using it to supplement a bold eye look, makeup enthusiasts all over Instagram have chosen to use it in more pigmented, purposeful ways.
"Colored mascara is its own statement," says makeup artist Tami Shirey. Think: Just blue mascara worn as a pop of color with nothing else, she says. Thanks to modern day makeup aficionados' love for colored lashes, the beauty world has been blessed with crisp, defined looks in bold shades like turquoise, burgundy, and royal blue.
Curious to see what we mean? Check out our guide to wearing colored mascara in the slides ahead.

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