Craft Kits To Entertain Your Kids (But Also Yourself)

While this indefinite period of working from home has us all crawling our way over the physical, mental, and emotional hurdles that went up as soon as we went on lockdown (who knew we'd ever miss having those IRL meetings-that-could've-been-an-email?), working from home with kids requires herculean levels of skill and endurance. Because in addition to feeding, educating, and caring for their little ones amidst the chaos of an unprecedented global health crisis, parents must also keep them entertained in the absence of school, friends, and extracurriculars. It is no small feat, and to all the parents out there doing their best: we salute you, and we're here to help (kind of).
As the line between weekday and weekend continues to blur while the attention spans of your children become increasingly frazzled (honestly, same), you may be on the hunt for a new stay-at-home hobby to reignite those vast and youthful imaginations. But before you settle on another virtual game, we suggest picking something that you can really enjoy too. It's no secret that behind every household's unfinished activities stands a busy parent prepared to clean it all up, so why not flex your own creative muscle before packing it in next time around? This is your chance for a mini artistic escape in the form of a handmade bracelet or an abstract painting that could give Jackson Pollock a run for his money — if Jackson Pollock ordered his supplies online, that is.
Ahead, check out the selection of craft kits and DIY projects we've put together to help you and your family through life on lockdown. We hope you end up having more fun with them than your kids.
COVID-19 has been declared a global pandemic. Go to the CDC website for the latest information on symptoms, prevention, and other resources.
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