Curly Girls, Meet Your New Hair Product Heroes!

Being a curly girl is a full time job, but a curly girl who loves to mix it up with color? That's a whole other world! Combating the challenges of having curly (read: dry and breakage-prone) locks—plus color treatments—can get tricky. There are so many rules, and finding the right products can get exhausting! Luckily, we've done our homework. Pureology has developed two new products to solve all your color-treated, curly-cue needs. From their ColourStylist line, the IlluminatingCurl 24 hour shaping lotion and AntiBreakageTwist shine texturizer are made to be your trusty little friends when you're looking to inject your locks with moisture and shield them from curly hair's kryptonite—humidity. The AntiBreakageTwist is armed with your favorite kitchen ingredient, olive oil, to help moisturize and nourish the hair. The IlluminatingCurl takes a more scientific approach, using carmelina extract which forms a humidity-resistant barrier to help lock in style and keep frizz out. Dryness and humidity, eat your heart out.
Pureology AntiBreakageTwist, $24, IlluminatingCurl, $24. Visit Pureology for locations.
Images courtesy of Pureology.

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