Question: What would you do if you were strolling along the beach and found a camera that had washed ashore? Would you see if it still worked? Would you try to find the owner? Or would you download everything from the SD card and create a Tumblr with the 127 embarrassing party photos contained therein? We all know what the ethical answer is – and we all know what the fun answer is, too.
A cruel, unnamed genius went for Option 3 and created I Touched Your Driftwood, a catalog of pics culled from a camera found on a Montauk beach, featuring drunken teenagers having themselves a ball in a hotel room and party bus. As of now, only a small percentage of the visual treasure trove has been published, so bookmark this baby – we have a feeling it's only going to get worse from here. (I Touched Your Driftwood)
Photo: Courtesy of I Touched Your Driftwood.