Delfina Delettrez Wants You To Adorn Yourself In A Twisted Fairy Tale

When we want our jewelry to make a statement , it's usually with baubles sporting sparkly stones, unusual details, and bold colors. And while Delfina Delettrez's latest collection has all of these, her curious designs also verge on quirky, surprising, and sometimes, even gothic, making them all the more attention-grabbing. Aptly named Roll-in-Stones, Delettrez's fall collection incorporates movement into its pieces, making you feel like a child with a shiny new toy, albeit a fancy, much pricier one. There's a tourbillon silver bracelet with rotating hoops, a silver double-ring that seemingly engulfs your fingers in a liquid metal wave, and a sleek gold cuff ending in fringed strands that swish seductively against your arm. Look closer and you'll find details that intrigue: Bees alighting on honeycomb pieces, pearl blobs set into cuffs that rotate in their settings, and insects adorned with blood-like ruby drops. The collection does not just make a statement, it tells a story—one based on Iain Bank's macabre novel, The Wasp Factory. The pieces are not fairytale pretty, but more like Twilight Zone-fascinating—the kind we can't tear our eyes away from.

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