As the great Countess LuAnn once said, "Chic C'est La Vie." And, since she primarily lives in the Hamptons, we picture her saying it (or singing it) dripped in fancy-shmancy beach gear, while sipping a stiff martini (Pinot Grigio is so Ramona), and sporting a huge cocktail ring. Though we may not be donning the same bling this season, we take her point to heart. Life should be chic, even when you're on the sand.
With that in mind, we scoured the city for the best lounge clothes and came up with a handful of luxe options that will turn your bikinis into statement pieces and that foldable chair into a bona-fide runway (sort of). Sure, when you're just looking to get your Vitamin D on, you may not need to be head-to-toe decked out, but hey, it never hurts to lust after some awesome designer duds, right? But maybe in real life, skip the music video?
Let the summer dreamin' (and splurging) begin with 15 luxe, designer beach finds.