There's no denying that Lauren Weisberger, author of
The Devil Wears Prada
, has major cojones. The book chronicled an assistant working for Anna Wintour at Vogue, in what Weisberger herself has admitted is based on her personal experiences—and she lived to tell the tale. Despite the silence of the entire Condé Nast empire, the tome and the film ended up making her tons of bank (if not so many Fashion Week invitations). Now, the writer is opening up on the fury she caused in a candid interview with the Daily Mail. She tells the British paper that she even though she knew she was "tall and thin" she felt "short and fat" at Vogue, and that Wintour would "stare at [her platform boots] in disgust and it was a stare that conveyed her displeasure pretty clearly." Other revelations: Voguettes would "go to the filing cabinet dripping in jewels," and, Weisberger says, seeing Anna smiling in The September Issue , "was a surprise...because I did not see those things when I was there." But, really, there are no hard feelings. Lauren claims she "does not exist in [Wintour's] world. We don't travel in the same circles, we don't run into each other, and she would not be able to pick me out from a crowd of three. And I'm very, very comfortable with that." Uh, if we wrote the shiz she did, we would be too! (Daily Mail)