The Best Diamond Jewelry For April Babies

We'd love to say that all birthstones are created equal — yes, those 12 gemstones with different meanings and hues are all beautiful in their own ways — but let's be real: April babies have it made. While many women only think of diamonds in the context of engagement rings, those with a birthday in the fourth month of the year have another excuse entirely to splurge on some bling (or send it along to their parents or S.O. until they get the hint).
So, to celebrate everyone who's April-born, we've rounded up the best diamond jewelry we've been eyeing. The pieces ahead don't come cheap (of course) — but can you really put a price tag on a girl's best friend? If you're celebrating a big year (Hello, 30!) or just feel like you owe it to yourself to invest in some big-girl jewels, ahead are some sparkling picks that will up your jewelry box game in a major way. And even if you weren't born in April, don't worry: We're all for eyeballing a few investment pieces.