For some of us budget-strapped culinary enthusiasts, snappetiting food porn is one way to reasonably deal with the fact that we cannot justify a $100 Umami burger over rent. Any window shopper will tell you that visual consumption is a great way to save cash, but for some young food fanatics, this just isn't enough.
Meet one of them: Diane Chang aka D.J. Panko, a purveyor of food porn on Beets N' Jams, and a twenty-something, mid-sized-income-earning Brooklynite who combs the boroughs in search of the freshest eats, no matter the expense. On her blog, the self-procalimed "non-foodie" turns her obsession into a chronicle, sandwiching her tastes in music between visual records of her oral fixation favorite New York meals. And, there's definitely no shortage of material: In just one week, she and her dining buddies managed to cram in 14 restaurants. Plus, at her current rate, she's spending around $1,400 a month, just on food! This one definitely puts the haute in cuisine. (NYMag)This made us wonder: where do you splurge on a meal? Tell us your favorite local, spendy plate below.

Photo: Via NYMag