The Busy Girl’s Guide To After-Hours Style

When you work at a 24-hour media site such as Refinery29 — not to mention, in the city that never sleeps — the idea of disconnecting can seem ancient, like life before the Internet (children of the '80s, you feel us). The content flow never halts, the story ideas need to be fresher than your CSA, and the pace travels faster than the speed of light a computer screen glow. But, despite the tendency to always be plugged in, it's just as important to unplug from time to time. So, what does a web editor's life look like off the clock?
Up ahead, we ask three of our intrepid R29 editors to paint us a picture of their plans after hours, how they navigate and maintain the delicate dance that is the work-life balance, and the style hacks they employ when their busy schedules take them straight from the office to a well-deserved night out. Click through to see the evening looks they swear by with fall styles from DVF. Then, clock out already and hit the town.