You’re Not Sleeping Tonight. This Slideshow Will Inspire You To Rage ‘Til Dawn

Who knew a heel could change your (night)life? Cole Haan has apparently managed to inject some Red Bull into its new Chelsea pump collection (including those from its collaboration with Olivia Kim and Jen Brill), if we're going by last night's rage-a-thon featuring pumps from the sleep-defying team-up, at the West Village's Le Poisson Rouge. The event, the grand finale of its fall "#dontgohome campaign" included an intro by DJ Chelsea Leyland, a head-banging set from Diplo, and some vocal adrenaline courtesy of one Miss Santigold, meaning sitting down wasn't even a remote option.
Or, apparently, heading home. We hit the banquettes with some of our favorite party people — there was Hannah Bronfman rocking a tiara, Leandra Medine (wild 'n' out), Brendan Fallis giving us some fall playlist advice, and a heart-to-heart with a post-spinning Leyland, who convinced us to book an acupuncture appointment like, @now. Plus, with a raucous birthday party for David X Prutting (surrounded by the entire BFA crew), numerous tequila shots later, and what we seem to remember as an ice cream cake, it seemed wrong to go through the whole 3 a.m. taxi drag. Did we see the sun rise and do the sartorial walk of shame to work (yes, we did wear this sweatshirt yesterday, so what?), well, we say one thing, but our Instagram says something else. Frantic pic deletes this a.m.? Of course not.
You know what you gotta do — click through to see snaps that will inspire you to double down on espresso shots, ditch your productive Saturday, and — apparently — not pack an emergency pair of flats.
Photos: Courtesy of

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