3 Floral Dress DIYs That Anyone Can Master

We live in dresses all summer long. Repeat that three times. But, despite the abundance of sweet frocks hanging in our closets, we still search and search for something fresh to appear. You know, a new dress that fits effortlessly and doesn't leave us scrambling for rent money. So, we decided to take matters into our own hands and make that dream dress ourselves — yes, make one.
By picking up a seemingly ill-fitting, thrift-shop throwaway and crafting it just so, you can end up with your sartorial soul mate for a fraction of the price you'd pay at your favorite boutique, thanks to our amazing DIY team. To keep it simple, we eliminated the bells and whistles (and jump rings, and fancy clasps) and replaced them with just one necessary tool: your household scissors. The result? Three one-of-a-kind frocks and the bragging rights to say "I made it myself."
Click through for a trio of super-easy floral dress DIYs and expand your wardrobe 3-fold.

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