Dream Jobs: Steven Rojas Masters Social Media On And Offline

You've no doubt heard the saying: "Find a job you love, and you'll never work a day in your life." Well, Steven Rojas may just be living proof of the old adage dressed in a skinny suit. As the Social Media Director at GrandLife Hotels NYC, Rojas' job is to connect with the leaders of local and international nightlife, bringing the cool kids and emerging culture to the Soho and Tribeca Grands through well-placed Tweets and in-the-flesh encounters. Performing professional outreach with a cocktail in hand, this tall drink of very stylish water is actually paid to party with celebs and bright young things while searching New York and the world beyond for what's hot and happening. For Rojas, work is play and play is a whole lot of work. So, grab yourself a drink for the open bar, and let this professional partier explain how his does his dream job.