16 Things To Help You Never Send A Drunk Text Again

You tap out a message and hit send — then, your heart thunks to the floor. Oh shit. I should not have sent that after all. We’ve all been there, whether it was shooting off an angry email to a coworker, a tequila-advised proposition to your recent ex, or a truly troublesome autocorrect fail.
Luckily, it's 2018 and there are a variety of ways to take back your shame and embarrassment by unsending that irksome message. Some offer a buffer before the message actually hits someone's inbox or phone. Other apps and inbox tools let you actually retract your words — as long as the recipient hasn’t opened it yet (we haven’t invented time travel, after all).
While there’s no substitute for good ol' proofreading, you can now be saved from your quick, impulsive taps of the send button. Read on to find out how.
This article originally published May 16, 2015.

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