4 Easy Ways To Sneak In A Beauty Treatment

There's nothing I love more than taking a little time to pamper myself with a beauty treatment. Be it with a hair mask, face mask, manicure, or pedicure, I relish the moments when I can just sit back, relax, and treat myself. But, let's get real: Everyone is busy as hell. And as much as I would love to unwind after a long day with some smushed-up strawberries on my face, it's just not something that I can pull off each day.
Some people do calf raises under their desks; I prioritize indulgences. That said, I've gotten pretty good at sneaking treatments into my daily life. (If I do say so myself.) Some of these tricks are so stealthy, I doubt anyone would notice they're happening at all. However, I'm here to spill my secrets. Ahead, check out four of my favorite ways to pamper myself on the DL. Now every day can be a pamper day.

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