How To Serve Apps Like A Grown-Up At Your Next Dinner Party

When we say we're going to serve hors d'oeuvres at a party, we usually mean we'll open a thing of hummus and wash some baby carrots. But, we've always thought the French had it right with their tartes flambées and avocado brioche. ("Hors d'oeuvres" is a French term, after all.) With that in mind, we took it upon ourselves to round up three delicious, doable ideas for celebratory snacks to serve when we want to get fancy — and we usually do. Not to brag, but these small bites might just give Dominique Ansel performance anxiety. Or, at least, lay to rest any residual cravings we have for cronuts.
But, as much as we'd like to live on hybrid pastries alone, there are too many parties to throw. Somewhere between the big blowout and dinner at our desk, there's the impromptu get-together that calls for easy recipes that err on the side of nutritious. So, whether we're hankering for something sweet or salty or just want to wow our guests with both, we've tracked down and tested three treats from Weight Watchers that totally hit the spot. What can we say? We're overachievers. Besides, the time to elevate our party snacks from dorm-room chic to fuss-free sophistication is long overdue.

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