25 Beauty Products That Are Good To The Last Drop

Photographed by Megan Madden.
For most people, finishing up a beauty product isn't all that momentous. You just pumped the last bit of your favorite foundation, so now what? Most likely, you'll head to Sephora, grab a refill, and be on your way. But, beauty editors live a different life, albeit a cosmetically privileged one. In the time you finished that foundation, we've tested at least 10 more — never even getting halfway through the first one. If we use something up, that means it's better than the countless others clamoring for a spot on our shelves. In other words, it's the absolute best recommendation we can give.
With that in mind, check out the jars, tubes, and bottles we actually squeezed, scooped, and scraped to completion over the last few months. They might be empty, but our reviews of them are anything but.

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