Emoji You’re Not Using Yet, But Should Be

Sometimes, you don't need words. Whether you're communicating abiding love with a gentle squeeze of the hand, or sending the panicked glance that says I wonder if the whole room heard that fart? — we get the message, loud and clear.
With the advent of emoji, we've all gotten better at showing and not telling. Who needs to waste precious moments thumbing out the words, when all you really want to say is that you feel like a scared-half-blue-screaming-face? But, emoji aren't just about the convenience factor, or the joy of talking in code with a series of cat heads. With certain sentiments, emoji just say it better than we can. From hangover announcements to condom reminders to anything regarding the menstrual cycle — there's no need to spell it out. Just send Crawling Person, Top Hat, or Red Flag, respectively, and your pal will get the picture.
Yes, there are times when you should use your words. Other times, you can just say it with Smiley Poop.

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