16 Pop Culture Gifts For The 1%

What would you want for the holidays if money were no object? What would you give your friends and loved ones? What do you think the richest of the rich give each other during the most wonderful time of the year? That’s what this gift guide is all about.
Forget that budgets exist. Pretend you’re a child writing out a wish list, and your imagination is the only thing that matters. In this particular instance, you’re a child with an extreme love of pop culture, so everything you want is going to have an entertainment bent. Does your heart desire to see where they film Game of Thrones in Croatia and Iceland? Great! This gift guide will help you get to King’s Landing. Unfortunately, the Lannisters send their regrets — they won’t be there. But you will.
Set aside all the can’ts, won’ts, impossibles, and no ways. This is how the other half gives.
No matter who you're shopping for or what your budget is, Refinery29 has all the holiday picks you need right here.

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