Sunglasses are a year-round accessory. Just because summer is over, it doesn’t mean the sun's rays won’t affect your eye health. Here are four things to look for when shopping for your next pair. (SHAPE)
Need some help chilling out? Look no further than your phone (or computer). This Spotify playlist is designed to help you find inner bliss — no kooky spa music included.
Speaking of chilling, let's talk brain freeze. Whatever its cause (iced coffee, Frappuccinos, and sorbet, we’re looking at you), brain freeze happens. Although it's typically short-lived, the pain is very real. We've got two simple solutions to let it go.
Time is a precious resource, so before scheduling your annual check-up at the doctor’s office, use this trick to cut down on waiting-room time. You've already read all those old magazines, anyway. (PureWow)
Are you on the hunt for a post-workout recovery snack? Try this smoothie recipe, plus six healthy ingredients to add to your favorite blend for a supercharged drink. Chia to the rescue! (Outside)