The Fake Hair Debate: 5 Real Girls Discuss

At the root of every bad hair day is a desire to achieve the highest level of hair amazingness possible...and the subsequent failure to meet those expectations. We always want what we can’t have, so we set ourselves up for disappointment when our strands can’t live up to our high hair hopes. We all fall prey to mane envy, and with that comes the desire to enhance — whether it be through straightening, coloring, cutting, or adding extensions.
There’s been an interesting debate brewing recently over what "natural" hair actually is and whether hair enhancements like wigs, weaves, and extensions play a misleading role in how we define beauty these days. Is wearing your hair natural “better” than wearing extensions? What exactly gets everyone so riled up when a woman chooses to wear fake hair?
We found five real, stylish girls who have all dabbled with faux hair to answer those questions and more. Read on for their insightful opinions on this hot-button issue, then weigh in with your own thoughts on the “natural or not” debate.

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