This Dress Shop Is Doing Something Really, Really Right

For as much fun as the holiday season brings, it also carries along a sleigh-ton of stress. From stuffing yourself silly at Thanksgiving (accompanied by un-PC comments from your least-favorite tipsy cousin) to searching every overcrowded mall for presents, you may well be at the point where hearing one more jingle bell just might make you snap. Fortunately, the holiday season is almost all wrapped up. Still, there's one more thing you need to check off your list: a chic New Year's Eve outfit.
It seems like everywhere you look, there's sequins and sparkles; when did a NYE dress become a kindergarten crafts project? We know not everyone wants to blind with bling. Thankfully, we found an answer in Fame & Partner's all-inclusive New Year's Eve collection.
From on-trend ballgowns to edgy, asymmetric sheaths, this collection has something for every type of party, regardless of whether you're planning to twirl your way through a black-tie gala or just want to grab your crush for a midnight snog at a Williamsburg warehouse. While the designs and price points are enough to make us want to pull out our credit cards, it's the inclusive size range that's really worth toasting to. With all the designs in sizes 0-22, this is the first NYE collection we've seen that really gets it. "It" being the fact that women of all shapes and sizes want to party down in style.
“We designed the Fame & Partners NYE Collection with the cool girl in mind, and cool girls come in all shapes and sizes,” explained Lucy Keig, the brand’s head designer. “The inspiration behind the collection and our campaign is ‘The Party Never Ends,' with the muses being the party animals who are the first ones laughing, the last ones dancing, and of course, the best-dressed!”
While we decide which dress we love most (Editor's note: We're crushing hard on Sensibility and Sea Dust.), click on for a peek at the lookbook — shot on smaller models, but available is all sizes — and wait for the countdown until 2015.