The Items Our Editors Have Worn 30+ Times

Even though it may seem like we're constantly buying into new trends, the fact of the matter is, our closets look a whole lot like yours. Sure, there are certain items that only get to see the light of day a few times before they get donated, but for the most part, we rely on a reliable stable of well-worn standbys. They're the things we know we can count on those mornings when we've hit our alarms eight times and are already 20 minutes late for work.
When it comes to what clothes qualify for that magical category, we did a little math and came up with 30. Yes, for an article of clothing to count as a staple, we have to have worn it at least 30 times. Want to know the funniest thing when we pooled all of our ride-or-die picks? They're all black.

, we hate to be those typical "I'll stop wearing black when they invent a darker color" fashion editors, but it's true — they're the items we wear time and time (and time) again. Let's make one thing clear: Just because they're flattering and versatile doesn't mean they're boring.
Click on to see the items that have given us our money's worth — and then some. Let us know in the comments what wardrobe staples you'll wear until the end of time.

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